On 15th June the Honouring Eva Foundation has proudly launched a unique book on Eva Pierrakos.
Riet Mellink and Corinne van den Bergh-Raat created an extensive, chronological biography of Eva, including excerpts of her book ‘The Path to the Real Self’ and parts from the remembrance book that was published after her passing in 1979.
Apart from the biography, it has become a book of interviews. Between April 2021 and March 2022 Riet and Corinne connected with a number of people who knew Eva in the flesh and who have worked with her in the Pathwork community in Phoenicia and New York. After that they spoke with people who are continuing and expanding The Pathwork and Core Energetics now, to people who, like her, have channeled beautiful and deep wisdom, and finally even with the entity that calls itself the Guide.
In 130 pages the story of Eva is told from many different perspectives, a story never told before in this distinctive way.
How to receive this beautiful book? Click on the image below for more information.