Core Energetics is a marriage of body psychotherapy and spiritual development. The work brings consciousness to how we block our energy. The process employs breathing techniques, physical movement and inter-personal relationship to create self-awareness, heal old wounds and radically increase your potential to enjoy life. It is dynamic, playful, creative, confronting and supports you in becoming fully and intensely who you truly are.
NICE offers Core Energetic workshops, a personal transformation program (in Dutch), a 4-year international professional training and a post graduate training.

Do you feel curious what Core Energetics can do for you? Participate in an introductory weekend April 4-5-6 or the Mens workshop on April 13-14-15.
Visit the page Workshops and events for more workshops and events.
Or make an appointment for a private session. The page Find a therapist gives a list with Core Energetics therapists in several countries.