Please note that this list contains workshops and events organized by NICE, but also workshops, groups and events privately facilitated by Core Energetic therapists. The latter don’t fall under the responsibility of the school.
Most workshops and courses are in English. In case the workshop is in another language, this is mentioned in the text.
Let op: hier staan workshops en activiteiten die georganiseerd worden door NICE, maar ook andere workshops, groepen en activiteiten, georganiseerd door Core Energetica therapeuten. Deze laatste vallen niet onder verantwoordelijkheid van NICE.
De meeste workshops zijn in het Engels. Als de workshop in een andere taal is, wordt dat aangegeven in de tekst.
Free Friday Night
Eenmaal per maand is er op vrijdagavond een moment om je weer met jezelf te verbinden. Begin opgeruimd aan het weekend en laat je verrassen met deze open workshop Core Energetica.
Pain and Pleasure
In this workshop, we will dive deep into the dynamics of intimacy and explore how the opposite forces of Pain and Pleasure interact and influence the dynamics in various relationship contexts – whether in partnerships, family, or friendships.
Verdiepingsmodule: Levensopdracht
Language: Dutch | In 2024 – 2025 biedt NICE vijf modules aan, elk met een eigen thema, voor mensen die de Transformatie Training of de Beroepsopleiding hebben gevolgd. De modules bieden verdieping in het persoonlijke proces dat is geopend in Transformatie Training of de beroepsopleiding.
Core Energetics Introductory Weekend
No matter where you are in your personal journey, this weekend will support you in taking the next step. Experience powerful energetic techniques that open the flow of life force! This special weekend intensive includes classes, process group and community events with all students of the school and promises to be personally challenging, enriching and exciting!
Free Friday Night
Eenmaal per maand is er op vrijdagavond een moment om je weer met jezelf te verbinden. Begin opgeruimd aan het weekend en laat je verrassen met deze open workshop Core Energetica.
Postgraduate Masterclass: Embodied Relationship, with Marcia & Brian Gleason
This masterclass is open to alumni and graduates of all Core Energetic institutes worldwide. Working with couples can be both extremely challenging and incredibly rewarding. The Embodied Relationship Training will teach practitioners a unique approach for engaging the cocreated body/mind relational system.
Free Friday Night
Eenmaal per maand is er op vrijdagavond een moment om je weer met jezelf te verbinden. Begin opgeruimd aan het weekend en laat je verrassen met deze open workshop Core Energetica.
Verdiepingsmodule: Spiritualiteit
Language: Dutch | In 2024 – 2025 biedt NICE vijf modules aan, elk met een eigen thema, voor mensen die de Transformatie Training of de Beroepsopleiding hebben gevolgd. De modules bieden verdieping in het persoonlijke proces dat is geopend in Transformatie Training of de beroepsopleiding.
Empowering Men Through Core Energetics: A Transformational Weekend
In today’s fast-paced world, men often find themselves constrained by societal expectations, leaving little room to explore their emotions, vulnerability, or true potential. This weekend workshop is designed for men seeking to reconnect with their authentic selves, redefine their relationship with masculinity, and create a more balanced, fulfilling connection to their sexuality.
Free Friday Night
Eenmaal per maand is er op vrijdagavond een moment om je weer met jezelf te verbinden. Begin opgeruimd aan het weekend en laat je verrassen met deze open workshop Core Energetica.
Core Care – How to keep your heart open in challenging times
Core Care is a 3 days Core Energetics workshop to process and connect around our inner and global challenges, specifically concerning our relationship to nature and the environmental crisis we are in. Everywhere around us we see and feel signs of imbalance. We see it around us and we feel it within. In the three days, we hope to come into our hearts, to find a space of reconnection and encouragement, so that we can continue taking our steps in this world with warmth and trust.
Summer Workshop Love Eros Sexuality
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to work with two of Europe’s master Core Energetics practitioners, presenting a workshop that was originated by John Pierrakos. This workshop is open for individuals and couples.
SAFE THE DATE: Allowing the Flow
Fear no evil – The vicious cycle of the soul
Join us for an insightful and transformative workshop where you will embark on a journey to heal and grow, discovering the spiritual meaning of life and breaking free from the cycle of suffering.
Postgraduate Masterclass: The Body’s Wisdom: Symbolism, Therapeutic Touch, and Reichian Foundations in Core Energetics, with Dirk Marivoet
This masterclass will explore the Core Energetics approach to therapeutic touch and body symbolism, building on Wilhelm Reich’s pioneering work. Reich’s concepts of therapeutic touch and body armoring—the physical manifestations of psychological defenses—laid the foundation for understanding the body’s symbolic language. Core Energetics has since expanded upon Reich’s work, integrating therapeutic touch with a focus on the energetic essence of the person and their authentic potential.